Thursday, December 27, 2007

Post-holiday musings

Being random & list-ish today...
  • Christmas at home was wonderful & I wish I didn't have to leave. I'm back in NY now (at work, on a very grey day), and I love the city, but for some reason I had the strongest feelings of homesickness yesterday...even before I left! And when I called my parents to say I got back here safely, I almost teared up. So strange, haven't felt like that since freshman's probably partly because of the short break (only home for 4 days!), but all day yesterday I couldn't get Led Zep out of my head. There's a feeling I get, when I look to the west, and my spirit is crying for leaving...
  • On the upside, I flew Cathay Pacific for the first time and DAMN I love them. Free (and delicious!) food, free (and stiff!) drinks, plus personal TVs with great movie selections--watched Superbad, Mulan, Pretty Woman, Transformers (yeah, I admit it), and A Mighty Heart. New favourite airline....too bad they don't fly domestically!
  • 2 day workweeks should be the norm.
  • Boxing Day should really be a holiday in the US. Seriously. "Day after Christmas Sale" just sounds stupid. Also, an extra day off would be cool :)
  • Apparently Nalgenes might leach chemicals...there have been mentions of this for a while now, but Health Canada just got involved and I think recent studies have shown that it might be serious. Mountain Equipment Co-op (basically a Canadian REI, aka, a playground for me!) won't sell them anymore, which is a pretty big step for them to take seeing as they're incredibly big sellers. I need to look into this more, but for now, my nalgenes are on the shelf...
  • I guess it's time to think about goals for the new year...slash, plans for NYE :) And maybe do some work?

Happy belated Boxing Day! Hope everyone is having great times :)

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